Geometry: Creating Inspired Commercial Design

Commercial Interior Design – it’s NOT the same as Interior Design.  Although the 2 industries use many of the same principles…Commercial Interior Design requires a perspective that includes not only aesthetics but a keen attention to function, as well.  It must meet the brand objectives of the client, provide utility as well as meet the comfort requirement of employees and guests.  The fusion of form and function leads us right to geometry; it will inspire both sides of a design element’s coin – the visual appeal, as well as the sustainability of its purpose.

Here are 3 ways VID develops geometry in commercial design:

(1)  The Golden Ratio

Much like the rule of thirds in design, the golden ratio is man’s way to “harness the beautiful asymmetry found in plants, animals, insects and other natural structures”.  Also known as the divine proportion (numerically 1.618), this ratio is a decidedly mathematical concept applied in commercial design in order to make a space or design element more aesthetically pleasing.

Here are a couple ways this geometric principle is used in Commercial Interior Design:

Color:  60% neutral colors – 30% dark colored furniture – 10% warm colored accents – 5% bright accents.

Furniture:  60% of any space should be used for furniture.

(2)  Scale and Proportion

Scale is the size of things, whereas proportion is the relationship between them.  Taking measurements of a room and making sure furnishings fit into a space are both obvious first steps to ensuring a successful installation.  But, being able to effectively balance the scale and proportion of elements is the last and most important step.

Flanking windows with symmetrical book cases, arranging desks in a parallel fashion so as to balance a workspace, and hanging a large light fixture to match the proportions of a space are all examples of keeping scale and proportion as a working pair in your mind.

(3)  Pattern

Geometry can be used to integrate interesting and functional design elements into a space.  It can be found in the design and installation of a space’s furniture.  Custom wall treatments, art installations or sound dampening ceiling tiles can also carry a statement when geometry is used.  No longer is geometry solely the fabric on a chair – it’s the statement pattern for a brand.

Geometry can be found all around us…and, can be used to provide inspiration and/ or utility.  The things we find the most appealing most often have a geometrical explanation.  With this historical concept being so understood, coupled with the fact that it continues to make waves in the modern design world – there is no question that letting a VID expert use geometry to inspire your space is a 1.618 idea.

Sources: 5 Ways Geometry is Used in Interior Design, by Lucia De Biasio, July 18, 2016,

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