Great Architecture is Everywhere
“Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die”.
– Daniel Burnham
If you know anything about the history of Chicago – you would know there are a few names that come up repeatedly when speaking about those responsible for architectural designs that have provided the most impact in the city, as well as longevity in style.
One of those names is Daniel Burnham – not only was he an influential architect in the United States, he was a major player in creating the master plans for cities like Chicago, Manila and Washington D.C.
Pop culture has picked up on Burham’s influence in history with the release of the book The Devil in the White City (2003) – where the story of Burnham’s role as the Director of Works for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition held in Chicago, runs parallel to that of the nation’s first serial killer H.H. Holmes.
So, what does this man have to do with us here at VID? Well, Burnham’s beautiful contributions inspired our “Travelling Two-some” – Senior Interior Designers, Julie Hartman and Carey Roy, to take a trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in order to see first-hand his Union Station design.
Hartman notes, “Today’s architecture just doesn’t have the same intricate details that older architecture had. That’s exactly why his buildings remain historic landmarks and we found Union Station so beautiful and amazing to visit.”
There are some simple Daniel Burnham design principles that still exist and have set the stage for so much of what the VID commercial interior design team stands for today. They are, as follows:
- Make No Little Plan: VID believes as Burham famously subscribed – plans that do not stir man’s blood, will not be realized. That is why our niche has become our ability to custom create office innovations; leaving no idea un-examined.
- City Beautiful – Office Beautiful Movement: The desire to balance classical traditions of design, with modern needs for form and function are at the root of VID design and planning. Burnham may have coined the “City Beautiful” reform movement, but we take credit for the “Office Beautiful” aesthetic!
Take a walk around your neighborhood – look deeper into the surroundings – then, a step closer and feel the details of the buildings that line your streets. Great architecture is everywhere, and it makes our world that much more delightful to live in. It also guides and inspires our commercial interior designs. A timeless office creation is waiting to be planned for your next office renovation at VID.